Subtraction Worksheets
Subtracting 2-digit 10s

- with regrouping -

Reminders & Tips for Subtraction Worksheets Subtracting 2-digit 10s:
  • A few Reminders:

    • This worksheet is almost identical to:
      Subtraction with regrouping worksheets 2 digits - 2 digits,
      (if you ignore the zeros of course).

      So if you have already understood the above mentioned worksheet - then you're done here - move on. :-)

    • But if you need help with this one - just follow all the steps presented in the above stated worksheet and you'll be fine.

  • A few Tips:

    • first separate "apples" from "oranges",

    • then seek and subtract only the "non-zero" part of numbers, and "ignore" the zeros. And of course, subtract "apples" with "apples, and "oranges" with "oranges". :-)

    • Then when you're done - put the zeros back into game.

Pay attention, please...


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