Dividend Breaking 100s Worksheet

Reminders & Tips for - Dividend Breaking 100s worksheet:

  • A Reminder: you should already know your division table to 100.

  • Tips: Fist we "chip off" 100 (or 200, 300...) times the divisor from the dividend, and then deal with the rest.
    Therefore, the quotient of the first dividend-chip (in red in worksheet below) must be divisible by 100 (i.e. = 100, 200, 300...).

  • Comment: Essentially, this is how all division, including the long division, is done.

  • Example 1:   835 ÷ 5 = ?

    • We "chip off" (100 × 5)  500  from  835
      (we can't chip off 200 × 5 because that's bigger than 835)

    • So, now we have this situation: (500 + 335) ÷ 5

    • Following with: 500÷5  +  335÷5

    • 500÷5 = 100 (and is divisible by 100)

    • and 335÷5 should be solved according to Dividend Breaking 10s Worksheet

  • Example 2:   494 ÷ 2 = ?

    • We "chip off" (200 × 2)  400  from  494
      (200 × 2 is closer to 494 than 100 × 2 = 200, and 300 × 2 = 600 is bigger than 54)

    • So, now we have this situation: (400 + 94) ÷ 2

    • Following with: 400÷2  +  94÷2

    • 400÷2 = 200 (and is divisible by 100)

    • and 94÷2 should be solved according to Dividend Breaking 10s Worksheet

  • Example 3:   993 ÷ 3 = ?

    • We "chip off" (300 × 3)  900  from  993
      (300 × 3 is closer to 927 than 100 or 200 × 3, and 400 × 3 = 1200 is bigger than 927)

    • So, now we have this situation: (900 + 93) ÷ 3

    • Following with: 900÷3  +  93÷3

    • 900÷3 = 300 (and is divisible by 100)

    • and 93÷3 should be solved according to Dividend Breaking 10s Worksheet

Pay attention, please...


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